Friday, May 31, 2013

What I've been reading...

As I mentioned in an earlier post I've been reading this book One Thousand Gifts. I feel like I'm the last person on the planet to read it. I bought it months ago and I've re-started chapter 1 countless times. I'm glad I finally made it a priority..'cause believe me- it was well worth it! Ann Vosskamp, with her poetic flare, gets down to the nitty gritty of real life thanksgiving, eucharisteo. She beautifully walks her reader through her journey of counting gifts. She begins to count and makes her way to one thousand...and beyond. She opens her eyes and heart up to the gifts, the blessings, the moments given to her by Jesus. As she intentionally names these gifts- the meaning and value of them manifest themselves- and she cannot help but to give true thanks to God, the giver of them all.

Her journey of thanksgiving is inspiring. It becomes so much more than merely counting blessings, making lists, but realizing and encountering the fullness of joy through the presence of God. She says, "Joy is the realest reality, the fullest life, and joy is always  given, never grasped. God gives gifts and I give thanks and I unwrap the gift given: joy."

I wholeheartedly recommend this book. To anyone who is searching for true joy- I believe you will find it by doing what she did- begin giving thanks to the God who is the giver of all good gifts. Name His blessings. Expect to see His gifts just as much in the mundane, the ugly-beautiful moments of life as well as in the high-highs, and seemingly trial-absent seasons. For we experience both- and in each season- He deserves thanks.  May I never take for granted the countless gifts God so graciously gives daily, every moment. My breath. My very life. My best friend and soul mate wrapped up into one person. The ability to be active. The freedom to worship. Community. Eyes to see His glory in the scenery, people, and things around me. I don't deserve these blessings- this grace. Yet He has given...and He could take away... I will choose thanksgiving.

I could go on forever. Get this book. Read it. Watch your heart change. Mine did.

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