Monday, May 20, 2013

on the horizon

Picture by A Thousand Words

Something beautiful is on the horizon. Can I get a good old-fashioned "A-men"? Anyone else clinging to the hope of what's ahead? Not in a wallow-in-my-sorrows-til-I-get-there sort of way- but in an expectant sort of way. 

A sort of way, in which, I must be an active part of the journey. 

I was reminded today that a lack of thankfulness can keep me from getting to that horizon. 

Ouch- I know

Countless times do I sit (or stand, drive, sleep, eat, shower) and think about the what-if's, the should-be's, all of the road blocks, the obstacles, and the why's that seem to be going on in my life. 

Please tell me I'm not the only one who hones in on the negative? 

In the midst of my battle with negativity- I realized that almost all of these seemingly huge, but in all actuality- really mundane, issues all trace back to a root of ingratitude. So true, right? 

So, in the words of Ann Vosskamp (love her!), "How in the world, for the sake of my joy, do I learn to use eucharisteo (true thanksgiving) to overcome my one  ugly and self-destructive habit of ingratitude (that habit that causes both my cosmic and daily fall) with the saving habit of gratitude- that would lead me back to deep God-communion.

My soul is burning with this question! How do I overcome this deep-rooted, obnoxious, hideous attitude of un-thankfulness? Ann Vosskamp recommends in her book to begin a "Gift List". No, not of things I want, need, wish I had, think I should already have, etc. No this list is different. It is to be compiled of gifts I already have. Things I'm thankful to have. Everything from the sweet taste on my tongue from a sip of Granny's frozen strawberry lemonade to the uncontainable joy that comes from the answered prayers of a community of people who truly want to serve God together

The goal is 1,000 gifts and I  am eagerly taking the challenge. There's something about being intentional in looking for these gifts. May my eyes and heart be open to see the thousands of gifts around me, that are worth taking note of, and giving thanks for. Why? Because He is worthy. So worthy. And it's about time I start giving Him glory. 

Wanna join? What a fun journey this would be if we did it together! :) If you choose, leave a comment, then follow my journey here on the blog and on twitter

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