Thursday, September 6, 2012

another "currently"...

Wait, is it really September already? The older I get the faster time goes by. Pretty amazing that summer has come... and almost gone. Fall awaits with open arms. It welcomes us with crisp mornings, local fresh apples, pumpkins, hot cider, leaves changing and falling....oh how I love fall. I've decided its my "grown-up favorite season". As a kid summer was always my favorite. That's a given right? I mean, for about 22 years of one's life summer indicates a break from school, vacation time, beach trips, camping weekends, an entitlement to basically sit back lazy.  But, for the most part those days are over. Real life is 24/7. Not to say summer isn't still crammed with fun. In fact, as an adult, I suppose I appreciate it all the more. But in all honesty, my grown-up favorite season is indeed blessed autumn. :)

With a new season awaiting us, here's a glimpse of what is happening in the now...

Currently recipes. Specifically, this whole wheat chocolate chip muffin to-die-for recipe from a dear lady who even grinds her own flour. Um-azing. I could eat one for breakfast-lunch-and possibly dinner, too.

Currently reading...nothing... to be quite transparent. I have so many books on my "to read" list. In fact, I believe it grows in length each day. Unfortunately, I have not disciplined myself to finish several books that I'm currently in the middle of. Officially adding it to my to-do list. You know I'm all about lists.  

Currently waiting for...assurance. peace. contentment. clarity.

Currently excited about...the leaves changing colors which will result in probable Saturday hiking on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Currently missing...Nicaragua. Smiling orphan faces. Joy unspeakable even in the worst of circumstances.

Currently get up in the mornings earlier than I have been. I find that I accomplish so much more and feel more energized even without that extra hour-or-so of sleeping in.

Currently enjoying...evenings at home. It may be small and not where we thought we would be at this stage in our marriage and lives but its home for now and I know some day we will look back and remember what a difficult yet sweet time this is.

Currently wearing...nail polish by Essie in "cute as a button". One of my new faves!

Currently listening to...Parlour's new album All Is Here. Click here for a listen!  

Currently pick up my Pampered Chef business again. Its been too long and there are too many things on my wish list to give up altogether. If you're interested in placing an order or hosting a show contact me! 

Currently processing...the new very part time job I started this week. Its more of a volunteer position/ministry opportunity and I'm still figuring it all out in my head...and my heart. More on that later.

Currently wishing...I knew all the things then that I've learned and know now.

Currently dreaming of...starting or joining a book club. How lame but awesome would that be?! I hear and read about so many who are apart of one. So I figure there must be some one out there who would be up for diving into some spiritually-challenging books and occasionally a heart-sick novel or two while sipping coffee and swapping recipes with me?

I would love it more than anything to know what you're currently up to! Post a comment or link!


  1. oooh we have a lot of the same currently's going on. i'm in a book careful what you wish for. a lot of months i'm spending hours reading books i really don't like. it's a time zap. love the fellowship though. oh and it's my wish to transition into a morning person too. i need extra time!

  2. ooh, maybe you're right- maybe I just want to be in a book club where I choose all of the books (ya know, the ones already on my list). haha. Thanks for the warning, girl :)
