Wednesday, July 31, 2013

content but not satisfied

Have you been there? In that place of knowing you have enough but understanding you need something new, something more? Its this place of being content, being thankful, but being totally and completely unsatisfied. Life has been pretty crazy lately...full of new opportunities, potential changes, chaos, and I'll just come out with it-STRESS. The kind of stress that brings me to my knees because there is absolutely no where else to go. Only that should be the first place I go-regardless. Right?Waiting. Patience. Trust. Haven't I learned these lessons already like a million times? It seems that I overcome one thing, by Grace, and then life bombards us as soon as I put my pen down from journaling the heck out of that experience. On to the next. And I sense the Lord asking me Are you going to trust me this time? Or are you going to attempt to take this into your own hands? Why does He ask such pointed questions? I don't want to answer that! I don't have time to answer that. Yet in reality-I don't have time not to answer Him. I will trust Him. I will wait. I will be content but not satisfied. I want more of Him. I want more of His Presence. I want to be a better wife. I want to be a better leader. I want to cook better meals. Better cupcakes. Be in better shape. I want more room. More space. I long for more and deeper relationships. More opportunities. More. More. More. My desire for more is not selfish- or at least that is not my intent. I want to live a life of gratitude. I'm constantly overwhelmed with thanksgiving for all that I have that I definitely did not deserve in the least. My heart is to be grateful but never complacent. What are you desiring more of in your life?  

As for the stress I mentioned, somehow in the midst of the chaos, I'm experiencing peace that I've never felt before. I know He will supply every need at the perfect time, most likely at the last minute. But it will, in fact, be perfect because it will be from Him, through Him, by Him.

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