Friday, July 27, 2012

to do list

Image found here.

I'm a big believer in to do lists. I have been known to add things to my to-do list that I have already accomplished just for the mere satisfaction of checking them off. Yes, its true. I used to keep ridiculous amounts of post-it notes in every room and on every surface (neatly strewn about, of course). But thanks to technology and my trusty smart phone, I now keep them tucked away in one place-accessible at all times. Perhaps lists are for solely the obsessive-compulsive people out there. However, with lists-goals are formed-and there's just something about putting a goal in writing. It makes accomplishing it that much more rewarding. Here are some to-do's I have added to my list recently...

_eat & shop locally as much as possible_
_find a work-out routine that's both enjoyable and challenging and... stick to it_
_pursue photography-utilize what I do have-carry it in my purse (which already weighs a ton)_
_try new recipes_
_read more often_
_decrease anxiety_
_increase happiness :)_
_say "thank you" more often to those who need to hear it_
_speak my mind when its appropriate_
_listen closer_
_continue trusting_

That just about sums it up. So, what's on your to-do list? Oh, and happy Friday everyone :)

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